Chromatography and Spectrometry: Revolution in Agriculture

In today’s ultramodern day the demand and existence of analytical tools are getting broad day by day. Mass spectrometry is at its cornerstone in such technical world as it is required from clinical to an agricultural field. There is no corner in which these techniques are not required. These techniques are non-invasive and superfast methods for the monitoring of the materials and its constituents.
In agricultural and food industries these techniques are applied for the monitoring and analysing the quality of the raw material used, end product obtained to the soil quality. Greenness defining, infection detection, mass determination, chemical compound evaluation, moisture estimation and other analysis can be done by spectrometry techniques. For the agricultural purpose, these techniques are proved to be fast, adequate, noncontact, and low cost. Perhaps these techniques are appropriate alternative and intelligent instrumentation for agricultural industries.
Mass spectrometry had enhanced the biochemical, chemical, and molecular knowledge in the modern agriculture. Mass spectrometry is for investigating and monitoring the characteristics, modification, transport, and actions of a broad range of organic and inorganic chemicals. It is used for analysis of chemistry of natural products, molecules of ecological importance and all areas of pharmacology. This technique gives the best result for qualitative and quantitative analysis. These techniques include the quantitative analysis of nitrogen and phosphate in the fertilizer product and further emphasize the usefulness and productivity of spectrometers in the agricultural industry. Durability, portability and rapid speed of determination are all valuable properties of how  Mass spectrometry and Chromatography  technology is making its broad space in this field. 
In the most awaited 10th International Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Chromatography happens during October 08-09, 2018 in Dubai, UAE. Dubai lies at the convergence of the Asia, Middle East, Central/Eastern Europe and Western Africa. It is in a birthplace of three major religions and a transit point for onward journeys. All such hot research fronts and emerging research fronts will be discussed by world’s renowned speakers regarding their experience and research work. Interested people can also join such interesting and enlightened platform and become the part of Mass Spectro Meet 2018.


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