A Powerful analytical tool- Mass Spectrometry
Mass Spectroscopy is one of
the most powerful tools in analytical chemistry and its role is most
significant in drug discovery proving it as the cornerstone of systems biology.
Innovation is driving a drastic change in high-resolution technologies like matrix-assisted
laser desorption/ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF). Data independent
analysis and hyper reaction monitoring have been emerged in mass spectrometry
methods. Experiments can be conducted with full high-resolution product ion
spectra, potentially leading to higher sequence coverage or analytical
selectivity. Fundamentally this method does not change the shape of proteomics,
hence it is a very useful tool that must expedite discovery in biology. This
technique has emerged as the premier method for the analysis of biomolecules.
Improvement in instruments has been done in combination with the introduction
of many new approaches for the preparation and separation of the target
The new mass spectrometer, focus
on the advancement of the biotechnology with its accessibility as financially
as well as technically in the laboratories with broad specialization in its
The new mass spectrometry
technology considers hardware design for the movement of fragile molecules in
the gaseous ionized form where they can be analysed. These consist of
electrospray ionization, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI)
and surface enhanced laser desorption/ionization (SELDI). Mass spectroscopy is
the leading technology for the identification of the biomolecules, and it will
make a breakthrough advancement in the diagnosis and knowing of a host
recalcitrant disease.
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